Summerization: Jason begins his murderous rampage to avenge his dead mother's murderous rampage to avenge Jason's death (?) right here. What the movie presupposes... maybe Jason didn't drown in that lake. Anyway, lots of people die at summer camp.
Why It's Awesome: So many reasons. It's the first of 11 movies based off the Jason character. This didn't start the Friday the 13th series, but it fleshed out Jason's character (a mongoloid living in the woods, killing people who get too close) more than any other film in the series. There's boobs. There's blood. Copious amount of alcohol are consumed. Icepicks through the head, machete in the face, spear through the tummy-tums, stabbings, throat slitting, one puppy mutilation, hammer in the head, chainsaws and pitchforks, and the questionable dream sequence. Amy Steele is the would-be counselor/child psychologist who gives all the explanation ever needed for Jason's motivation--if you saw your mother beheaded and she was the only person you were ever close to, wouldn't you be fucked up? Fucking awesome.
Quote: "What's brown and sits on a piano?" "Your face."
Best Time To Watch: Is Friday the 13th coming up? Well, before going to camp, swimming in the lake, or camping. Anytime before you're going to spend any time in the outdoors.
Quality: 5 outta 5 machete wacks.
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